The Course Structure

We're very happy to have you join Communicating Science part 01. As you will have gathered by now, this course will guide you through the writing process of scientific texts (or scholarly text) in your own discipline.

To guide you through the process, the course provides a guided structure for you to follow and apply to your own text construction. Generally, following a patterns which will first provide:

  1. Theoretical background

  2. Reflection

  3. Application

Theoretical Background

To guide us through the theory of writing journal articles, we will use a . For every section of a research paper, we'll discuss and analyse common genre features, the function of these features and the form these functions take. To help you learn and apply these conventions, we'll ask you to apply these (and question these) in the context of your own discipline and drafts.


To understand whether specific genre features translate to your specific discipline and your own text, we will ask you to analyse them in the articles you read and give feedback to. This process will help you to better understand what the texts says, and how it says it. In other words, what the text does, and how it does it.


Throughout the process, you will draft your text based on your understanding of the textual features required for you to express the main purpose and value of your own research, and be able to test (asking your peers to reader and review) to determine whether the reader agrees with your intentions.

Getting started

This week, we'd like for you to consider your own writing process through some guided tasks which will get you to reflect on you as a writer and researcher. We'd like to introduce you to the perspectives we have about the writing process and more importantly howe we'd like for you to experiment with your own process.

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