During the Workshop
Discuss your analysis of the Conclusion and Abstract sections with your group:
Share your evaluations and insights.
As a group, write 3-5 sentences defining a 'good' Conclusion and Abstract in your discipline.
Post your reflection in the #workshop-06 channel on Discord.
Analyze the Conclusion Section(s) using Yang and Allison's Move and Step Model (2003):
Ensure everyone understands the model and its applicability.
Select at least one conclusion section to analyze as a group.
Identify the functions and locate specific passages.
Report back or post your analysis on Discord.
Repeat the process with your own research paper.
Apply relevant parts of the model when drafting your own conclusion.
Analyze the Abstract Section(s) using Brown's Eight Questions:
Compare your abstracts and evaluate the applicability of the Eight Questions.
Select at least one abstract to analyze as a group.
Identify the functions and locate specific passages (7 minutes individually, 7 minutes as a group).
Report back or post your analysis on Discord.
Repeat the process with your own research paper.
Apply relevant questions when drafting your own abstract.
Post-workshop reflection:
Take turns explaining your draft Conclusion and Abstract sections.
Discuss your weaknesses and the feedback you need from your group.
If you have questions during the workshop, reach out to your group or the instructors, Susanna and Katarina, via Discord.
Last updated